About Hiclover Medical Enviromental | HICLOVER|Clover Incinerator

About Hiclover Medical Enviromental | HICLOVER|Clover Incinerator

About Hiclover Medical Enviromental | HICLOVER|Clover Incinerator
The pet cremation equipment humanized design with movable platform, little space covers for modern pet cremation business owner all over the world.

HICLOVER, Nanjing Clover Medical Technology Co.,Ltd, provide system alternatives for medical environmental protection, animal and pet cremation technology, other municipal solid waste incineration project.

System solutions for medical waste environmental, such as waste incineration, smoke cessation treatment, high-temperature sterilization, ultraviolet sterilization lamp, waste shredder, needle destroyer, medical waste package, sharp containers.

The containerized portable incinerator mounted in ISO container before leave mill, pre-installation, no incineration house build construction, movable by dust and truck lamp sterilization inside.