burning 150 kg of waste incinerator

burning 150 kg of waste incinerator

In a bid to bring a partial relief from the mounting waste disposal problems, a new incinerator will start functioning at the Kozhikode Medical College soon. Authorities say the new incinerator will become operational by the first week of August.

The incinerator has been installed using the fund from the Hospital Development Society (HDS).

HDS member Saleem Madavoor told’City Express’ the society has allotted’15 lakh towards the costs which will be obtained for the installation functions. Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Limited(SIDCO), a state government undertaking has been entrusted with the functions.

An official of the medical school said that an expert team, deputed by SIDCO, has seen the medical school to examine the primary arrangements.

The work order has been given to SIDCO and an agreement was signed between the medical college government and SIDCO officials three months back.

The medical school official added that the functions of the incinerator are finished and installation works will start within few days.  When the new incinerator begins working, the waste disposal problems will be partly addressed. The incinerator which has a capacity of burning 150 kg of waste, will dispose of the residue generated from the medical college hospital.

Meanwhile, the medical school will continue to grapple with the waste being generated from the Institute of Maternal and Child Health (IMCH) and Super Specialty block as the incinerator for these blocks, which have been proposed at a cost of’63.5 lakh by the state government still remains on newspapers. If the incinerator becomes a reality around 5,000 kg of waste could be disposed everyday.

info from: http://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/Waste-Woes-Medical-College-Gets-Partial-Relief/2015/07/17/article2924500.ece