EPA Announces Availability of Approximately $77,000 to Fund Tribal Clean Air Act Grants

EPA Announces Availability of Approximately ,000 to Fund Tribal Clean Air Act Grants

Contact Information: R3press@EPA.gov

EPA Announces Availability of Approximately $77,000 to Fund Tribal Clean Air Act Grants

PHILADELPHIA (June 30, 2020) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of approximately $77,000 in grants today to fund Clean Air Act (CAA) projects for federally recognized tribes in Virginia.

The CAA Amendments of 1990 established a funding mechanism to assist tribes in addressing air pollution and prevention activities within Bureau of Indian Affairs approved jurisdictional boundaries. 

This is the first time that the Region has been able to offer grant funding to tribes in the Mid-Atlantic region.

In the other EPA Regions, CAA state and tribal air grant dollars have been used to fund projects such as air quality monitoring, basic air quality assessments, emissions inventories, indoor air quality assessments and trainings, residential wood smoke reduction programs and road dust emissions reductions.

These CAA grants support development of tribal air environmental programs that will achieve measurable environmental and public health results. Activities conducted under these grants may include:

  • Identifying and investigating air pollution sources 
  • Providing community education and outreach on air quality issues 
  • Conducting needs assessments and outreach on indoor air and asthma issues 
  • Participating in local, regional, and national air quality initiatives 
  • Performing baseline studies and creating an emissions inventory 

EPA anticipates awarding between one and five cooperative agreements ranging from $15,000-$77,000. Proposals are due by close of business Aug. 30, 2020

Information on the Request for Proposals can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/tribal/region-3-tribal-program.  For more information about the CAA Request for Proposals, contact Michelle Moyer, 215-814-2098, or moyer.michelle@epa.gov


EPA Announces Availability of Approximately ,000 to Fund Tribal Clean Air Act Grants  @epa
